Neil Jenkins now devotes several weeks each year to giving Masterclasses He has been a regular Tutor at the Dartington Festival Summer School, Canford Summer School, and at Summer Music Summer School (held at Ardingly College, Sussex) and Hereford International Summer School (H.I.S.S.) He also gives one day Masterclasses, eg at Floral Opera, weekend Masterclasses at Jackdaws Educational Trust, Somerset, and adjudicates at Competitive Festivals. Every year from 2007 to 2017 Neil taught at the summer school for solo and choral singers – AIMS – that he set up at Ardingly and subsequently at Eastbourne College in the last full week in August.
Jackdaws Summer Music Courses
“Oratorio Arias and Ensembles” Organiser: Jackdaws Educational Trust
Email: music@jackdaws.org.uk
Address: Bridge House, Great Elm, Frome, Somerset, BA11 3NY Tel: +44 (0) 1373 812383 Fax: +44 (0) 1373 812083