Publications – Other
Please select from the list below to see further details
Haydn: Partsongs for mixed voices (SATB) & Piano
Coming soon…
Schutz: The Resurrection Story
Coming soon…
Haydn: The Creation
Vocal material, instrumental parts and full score Available from: Kings Music, Huntingdon, Cambs Tel: 01480 52076 cbkings@ibm.net “This new article by Neil Jenkins on ‘The Creation’ is the most important piece of research on the subject in recent years. It puts everything else out of date.” H. Robbins Landon, Foncoussiéres, August 2001.
Haydn: The Seasons
Vocal material, instrumental parts and full score Available from: Kings Music, Huntingdon, Cambs Tel: 01480 52076 cbkings@ibm.net “This new edition of Haydn’s The Seasons by Neil Jenkins was urgently needed and will, I am sure, be welcomed by all who wish to perform the work in English. The Jenkins version is more accurate and more readable. It will undoubtedly become the standard English version” H. Robbins Landon, Foncoussiéres, August 2001